The aim of the (OP JAC) is to support the development of an open and educated society based on knowledge and skills, equal opportunities, and the unfolding potential of each individual, leading to the growth of the competitiveness of the Czech Republic and the improvement of the living conditions of its citizens.
Jan Amos Comenius is one of the greatest philosophers of Europe. He emphasized that education is a never-ending process and that one must dedicate oneself to it throughout their life. The Jan Amos Comenius Operational Programme (OP JAC) is based on this assumption and emphasizes the necessity of acquiring competencies for lifelong learning, through which individuals can maximize their potential and long-term employability in society. Comenius’ ideas are all the more urgent as the world changes ever more rapidly. The era we live in is becoming increasingly complex, placing new demands on us related to the onset of digitalization, robotization, climate, and social changes. We are part of these changes and seek solutions not only for individuals but also for the society and humanity as a whole. The structure of OP JAC reflects priority topics funded by the European Union’s Structural Funds in the programming period 2021-2027 and the experiences from previous operational programs under the responsibility of the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports.