The Journey from Non-Immersive to Immersive Multiuser Applications in Mental Health Care: Systematic Review
The Journey from Non-Immersive to Immersive Multiuser Applications in Mental Health Care: Systematic Review Iveta Fajnerova, Lukáš Hejtmánek, Michal Sedlák, Markéta Jablonská, Anna Francová, Pavla Stopková, Výzkumný záměr č. 4,
Validation of factor structures of the Drinking Motives Questionnaire among the Czech young and adult general population
Validation of factor structures of the Drinking Motives Questionnaire among the Czech young and adult general population Ladislav Kážmér, Ladislav Csémy, Ondřej Šíba, Výzkumný záměr č. 4, Národní ústav duševního zdraví
Digital Social Work
Digital Social Work Antonio López-Peláez, Soňa Kalenda Vávrová, Alice Gojová, Amaya Erro-Garcés, Rafael Acebes Valentín, Výzkumný záměr č. 3, Ostravská Univerzita, Fakulta Sociálních Studií
“It Puts Them in the Role of Zoo Animals”: Gatekeeping, Research Fatigueand Over-Researched Populations in Czech Social Work Research
It Puts Them in the Role of Zoo Animals Gatekeeping Research Fatigue and Over-Researched Populations in Czech Social Work Research Zuzana Broskevičová, Barbora Gřundělová a Iveta Kowolová, Výzkumný záměr č.
New Iterative Algorithms for Estimation of Item Functioning
New Iterative Algorithms for Estimation of Item Functioning Adéla Hladká, Patrícia Martinková, Marek Brabec, Výzkumný záměr 6, Ústav informatiky AV ČR, v.v.i.
The Role of Ageist Sexual Stereotypes in the Network of Sexual Difficulties, Sex and Relationship Satisfaction Among Adults Aged 50+
The Role of Ageist Sexual Stereotypes in the Network of Sexual Difficulties Sex and Relationship Satisfaction Among Adults Aged 50 Veronika Gocieková, Andrea Stašek, Anna Ševčíková, Gabriela Gore-Gorszewska, Výzkumný záměr
Assessing quality of selection procedures: Lower bound of false positive rate as a function of inter-rater reliability
Assessing quality of selection procedures: Lower bound of false positive rate as a function of inter-rater reliability František Bartoš, Patrícia Martinková, Výzkumný záměr 6, Ústav informatiky AV ČR, v.v.i.
Multiple Perspectives on the Adoption of SMART Technologies for Improving Care of Older People: Mixed Methods Study
Multiple Perspectives on the Adoption of SMART Technologies for Improving Care of Older People: Mixed Methods Study Steriani Elavsky, Výzkumný záměr 3, Ostravská univerzita